Why should you do this? Other than the fact he is a damn fine author, he is just a swell guy who has been dealing with a lot of rough stuff. I first ran across Robison when he appeared on Writing Excuses, my favorite writing podcast, speaking about mental illness. We all know how many writers have been, and are now, fighting this fight. He openly speaks of how his closet full of mental diseases has affected him, his family, and his efforts at writing for a living. If you are dealing with a mental illness I'd highly recommend giving Rob's guest podcast on writing and mental health a listen, here. Since I have been following him on social media I have been touched by his stories, his humor, and his struggles. Currently he is dealing with the very real possibility of having cancer. His short plea for help can be found here, on his website.
Some others are organizing benefits, give-a-ways, and the like around the blogosphere. Here is one last link to Luisa Perkins' site with info on how to participate, or donate if you'd prefer. If nothing else toss a share or like his way, mostly so you can keep your eye on a young adult sci-fi author worthy of paying attention to. And please, keep Rob and his family in your thoughts and prayers during his time of struggle.