Monday, August 25, 2014

Holy Hell, We`re Back.

After six months of life changing chaos the waters have settled. I can surface to devour a lung spitting gulp of fresh air. Everything, I mean every single thing, went on hold for a career change. We threw in a new venue just for good measure. It was all by choice, so no tears, just some temporary sacrifice.

Everything is all inclusive. Writing abruptly stopped cold. Forging wasn`t practical, so it halted. The long term nearly abandoned motorcycle project is rotting under a lean to. Most tools and all supplies got packed in a shed, beyond the reach of mortal man. I spent two months in a hotel in Austin for training, followed up by field training (which is going well). Days off were cut back from four to two, technically one and a half when you work a hybrid night and day shift.

The up shot is we are home, back to our roots. We landed on five acres owned my brother and sis-in-law. The forge and all new anvil (pics to come) found a home in one of the barn stalls. The wood lathe has its eye on an open air spot off one of the tool sheds. The other tools are shaking off rust and neglect and slowly crawling out into the light.

What`s coming up?

I have a writing project in the early stages with Kiley (the dude abides), that should help clear out the cobwebs and get the old think box back on track.

Been forging some archery bits for my good buddy John Boudreaux, and their might be some wood bow building in our future.

Made a couple of knifes in the last few weeks, gonna have to do more of that.

I'm also considering putting up a few videos if I can figure this editing software out.

Still have two books in the works, just have to get motivated there. There is a chance at a few short stories emerging, but don't hold me to that just yet. I haven`t written one since Mark Whalberg was Marky Mark.

All told things are great, and getting better. My Pinterest is overflowing with project that need doing, the kids are back in school, and I have Mondays off. Things that need doing will get doing, and Monday posts should become a regular thing. So go make something, and stay tuned. More to follow.

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